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5 tips for foot care


It’s still the cold winter season which means our toes are covered, warm and snug. However, the warm summer season we have all be longing for, will soon be upon us. In preparation, here are 5 easy ways to take care of your feet.

Keep active. Taking regular walks is healthy for your feet because not only will this promote blood circulation, but like any other muscle in your body, keeping active will keep your feet strong.

Wear comfortable shoes as much as possible, this includes the correct sizing of the shoe as well as the shoe’s height. It is okay to wear high heels but you should always try and wear flats in the afternoon to alleviate your foot from the strain of wearing high heels. Another good way you can do this is by stretching your feet.

Foot hygiene and grooming should be an important regular regimen. Our feet are trapped the whole day and need to be cooled down and cleaned after a long day. Not only is this hygienic but it will keep the fungal infections at bay.

Try cracked heels are a shame and they are also painful. This can be alleviated by applying moisturiser to keep them supple and to add moisture. Not only will boost your feet’s appearance but they will look visibly healthy.

These helpful tips should have you looking the part for summer, so go down to your nearest Mille retailer to kit out on your favourite sandals. 

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